For those of you who don’t already know me, or haven’t arrived via my
or my agent’s website, I’m Sam, welcome to my print shop.
I’m a seasoned illustrator who, over the years, has been trusted by a long list
of clients to add a touch of the ole’ Chivers magic to their projects
Often my work tends to lean into utopian futures (or dystopian hope; we all
need a bit of hope, right?!) But in my personal work I can often be found lost
on the rolling Downlands, exploring layers of time and memory embedded in
the earth and our deep connection to place.
I’m a big fan of pencil and paper, I believe in the power of daily drawing; hand,
eye, heart (something AI can never replicate) and as such my process always
starts in the physical world before moving into the mystical digital realms, and
eventually giclée prints. Or, on occasion, screen prints.
Please have a look around. If there’s anything you’ve stumbled across
elsewhere that’s not on the shop, get in touch via the contact form and I’ll see
what I can do. And for more production and delivery details please check out